About InSites > Staff and Consultants > Sally Boyd
Sally Boyd
Sally Boyd is an education consultant and writer living in North Carolina. Ms. Boyd’s background includes extensive experience in the evaluation of K-12 instructional and professional development programs. She specializes in qualitative research, and in practical, applied writing for lay audiences, funders, and policymakers. Her work with InSites has included the evaluation of the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia and the U.S.-China Teacher Exchange Program. As part of the InSites evaluation team, she conducted site visits and interviews, analyzed cross-site qualitative data, and contributed to written reports.
Prior to becoming an independent consultant in 1993, Ms. Boyd was Senior Research Associate at Horizon Research, Inc. (Chapel Hill, NC), where she designed and developed NSF-funded educational research and evaluation projects. Since then, her work as a contractor has included evaluation projects on increasing minority participation in science; enhancing teachers’ use of technology in classroom instruction; building community partnerships that target disadvantaged youth and families; and developing systemic reform initiatives in science and mathematics education. She is currently involved in the evaluation of a project designed to build teachers’ capacity to teach American history.
Ms. Boyd received her Masters Degree in Sociology from the University of North Carolina in 1987.