Mission/Purpose | Board of Directors | Staff and Consultants | Clients
InSites is a 16-year-old, Colorado-based nonprofit organization. We promote learning, growth, and change through inquiry-based evaluation, planning, and research. We work with organizations and community groups in the fields of education, social services, and health. We help service providers, administrators, and policymakers make decisions based on results, values, and visions of the future.
Board of Directors
InSites is guided by a five-member Board of Directors. The members are:
Marilyn Averill, Doctoral Student
Polly Baca, retired, Denver, CO
Richard Harpel, Consultant, Bainbridge Island, WA
Diane Jones, Deputy City Manager, Fort Collins, CO
Beverly Parsons, Executive Director, InSites
Jane Lister Reis, Founder/Director of A Center for Transformative Learning
Staff and Consultants
InSites’ staff and network of consultants includes experienced professionals with expertise in conducting inquiry-based evaluation, planning, and research in a wide range of fields. Following are current members of the InSites staff and network. We welcome applications from others who share our mission (see “Contact Us”).
Beverly Parsons, Executive Director, InSites
Sally Bond
Michelle Boos-Stone
Sally Boyd
Sharon Brumbaugh
Jill Conrad
Lesley Dahlkemper, Schoolhouse Communications
Jessica Germain
Zaretta Hammond
Dawn Hanson Smart
Sarah Hug
Patricia Jessup
Karl Johnson
Jeanne Kuhn
Carol Lingenfelter
Susan Maunders
Elizabeth O’Connell
Rosemary Reinhart
Theresa Rosner-Salazar
Deborah Trujillo-Watson
Kathy Wyckoff
KSA-Plus Communications
National Research Center
Research and Evaluation Associates for Latinos
Through our inquiry, evaluation, coaching, training, research, and planning services, InSites has helped the following foundations, nonprofits, schools, colleges, universities, and other organizations strengthen their programs, policies, and practices to achieve greater results.