About InSites > Staff and Consultants > Lesley Dahlkemper
Lesley Dahlkemper, Schoolhouse Communications
Schoolhouse Communications, a Denver, CO based firm, helps clients in education determine the attitudes and opinions of their various audiences so they can communicate more effectively about the need for school improvement and system-wide change.
Schoolhouse Communications works with leaders of national and statewide education organizations, and represents superintendents, school board members, legislators, educators, and others. Its areas of expertise include strategic communications assessment and planning, focus group design and facilitation, media and communications training, video and audio production, editorial services, and project management.
What distinguishes Schoolhouse Communications from other communications firms is its exclusive focus on K-12 public education and higher education. Schoolhouse Communications believes communication plays an integral role in deepening the public’s understanding and support for effective schools, districts, and educational organizations. The team at Schoolhouse Communications understands the nuances of education policy and helps clients identify which communications strategies are most effective in helping them accomplish their goals.
Most recently, Schoolhouse Communications provided editorial assistance to InSites in its evaluation of the National Consortium for Teaching About Asia. Schoolhouse Communications worked with InSites to synthesize and communicate the most critical information to its targeted audiences, to package key information from the evaluation into reader-friendly materials, and to provide important insights on what schools and districts are doing to create a permanent place for Asian studies in American classrooms.
Other clients include the Colorado Association of School Boards, the Education Commission of the States, the Donnell-Kay Foundation, the Southwest Education Development Laboratory, and the Southeast Center for Teacher Quality.