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Jill Conrad
Jill Conrad is a Senior Consultant for Policy and Planning at the Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) in Denver, Colorado. In this role, she monitors and analyzes state and fedeeral educational policy and related trends, coordinating McRel's government relations effots. She has a broad background in education policy, research, and evaluation and experience at the national, state, and local level. Her versatility as a researcher and consultant has led her to become involved in a variety of educational initiatives focusing on education governance, evaluation research, school improvement, service-learning, teacher education, and teaching quality.
Previously, Ms. Conrad worked as an independent consultant providing leadership, management, educational policy, advocacy, consulting, fundraising, research, and other services to clients such as the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, foundations, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and others at the national, state, and local level. She was a Research Associate for RMC Research Corporation, a national education research and consulting firm, where she developed leadership experience serving as Project Director for many national, state, and local initiatives. In addition to evaluation research, she provided on-site technical assistance to state department of education staff and other state education leaders, foundation representatives, nonprofit leaders, and local educators. She has experience facilitating meetings, providing training, and working with groups to bring about productive change and strategic planning.
Ms. Conrad is currently a Ph.D. student in the Education Leadership and Innovation program focusing on education policy at the University of Colorado, Denver. She received her Master’s Degree in Educational Foundations, Policy, and Practice from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 1997, and her Bachelor’s degree in Communication and International Affairs from the University of New Hampshire in 1991. In addition, Ms. Conrad currently serves as an at-large member of the Denver Public Schools Board of Education. In July 1008, Ms. Conrad completed Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government's Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government.