4. Gathering Data for
the CLIP Inquiry



Questionnaires are a means to systematically gather data about a particular topic of inquiry from large numbers of respondents. The written questions can elicit either qualitative or quantitative information.

Clearly articulate what information you want to obtain through the questionnaire and who you expect to respond to the questionnaire. Consider whether this is the best way to gather information from this audience in the time frame of your inquiry. Align your questionnaire questions with your inquiry question. Be clear on what information is needed to answer your inquiry question and refrain from developing a questionnaire that is a “fishing expedition” for information you “might” need.

Here are a few tips for designing questionnaires. See Tips for Developing and Using Questionnaires for more information.

  • Use questions that are clear, neutral, and in the respondents’ vocabulary,
  • Use simple sentence construction.
  • Check the alignment of your questionnaire items and your inquiry question.
  • Provide a deadline for return of the questionnaire.
  • Follow-up shortly before the questionnaire is due with a friendly reminder to non-respondents.

To download “Tips for Developing and Using Questionnaires,” click file type: <.doc> <.pdf>

  Click on underlined text to learn more.  
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