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Cross Case Features: Context

Beye High School: School Context

Beye High School is a school “on the way up.” In this newly renovated magnet school with an International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, test scores are rising and students “are outscoring folks who are not used to being outscored.” The school prides itself on its high level of diversity. Displayed in the school’s entry way and in the library are 50 flags that represent the countries of students who attend the school. The exhibits are a steady reminder of the diverse student body, where over 25 languages are spoken.

The school mission and curriculum provide opportunities for students to become “more open to background and information that’s different from their own,” and to “appreciate the differences and similarities between their own and other cultures.” The principal sees the school as a “model United Nations.” Teachers agree, consistently mentioning the high level of diversity in the student body as a major strength of the school.

Student enrollment at Beye is about 1,400 in grades nine through twelve. Approximately one-half of the students are African American and one-third are Caucasian. The proportion of African American and Latino students is increasing.


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