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National Consortium for Teaching about Asia
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Cross Case Features: Teachers

Hardin Middle School: Art

Donna Conrad, Art

Art Teacher Donna Conrad has been teaching art at the Hardin Middle School in grades seven to nine for several years. She is doing highly creative lessons, and her infusion of Asia-related content is accepted by the district. But, as an art teacher, she’s an “outsider” in the curriculum. She can’t interact with core teachers in any kind of structural, formalized way that might help promote Asia across subjects. Yet Donna Conrad calls art the “application class”: she doesn’t think you can teach it without integrating geography, history, science, and mathematics.

For Art teacher Donna Conrad, everything now has “a taste of Asia” embedded in it. Her lesson on “flying to China” (see case study) is one example of her lessons with an Asian theme. There is much evidence in Donna Conrad’s art room to suggest that she has incorporated Asia into her instruction. One wall is covered with Asia-related hangings ¾fabric, masks, paintings, maps, and large black Chinese characters painted on white paper. Two large tables display Asian artifacts ¾ masks, beads, jade, drawings, pottery, tie-dye fabrics, and intricate needlework.

Donna Conrad has shared her NCTA experience in faculty meetings and with colleagues. One English teacher said, “Donna gave me some information on teaching haiku. That was pretty helpful. I did that lesson.” Donna has also done presentations at the state art educator conferences.



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